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Bed Bugs

Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are small blood-sucking insects that can live in cracks and crevices in and around your bed. 

Attracted by your body heat and carbon dioxide, they crawl out at night to bite your exposed skin and feed on your blood.


Not everyone develops a skin reaction to bedbug bites, but some people develop itchy red bumps. These appear around 15 to 30 minutes after being bitten and can last for several days.

Bedbug bites are usually found on the face, neck, hand or arm, and are often mistaken for mosquito bites. However, while mosquito bites tend to be random in pattern, bedbug bites more often occur in straight lines.


Once a problem is discovered, most people just want to know how to eliminate them. Thankfully there are steps you can take, prior to professional treatment, to manage the level of infestation.

High levels of hygiene, deep cleaning and the use of bed bug spray products will help to kill some bed bugs. However professional treatment is often needed to successfully treat an infestation as it can be hard to get rid of bed bugs on your own.


5, Rockware Business Centre, Greenford UB6 0AA


Monday: 7:30 am–5 pm

Tuesday: 7 am–5 pm

Wednesday: 7:30 am–5 pm

Thursday: 7 am–5 pm

Friday: 7 am–5 pm

Saturday: 7 am–5 pm

Sunday: Closed



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